On certain vehicles, the material composition of the engine valve springs may include micro-foreign objects, which may compromise the strength of the valve spring, causing the spring to degrade and break. If a valve springs breaks, abnormal noise and rough engine performance will be noticed and, in the worst case, the engine could fail and stop suddenly while the vehicle is in motion. A sudden engine failure would result in lost propulsion which, in conjunction with traffic, road conditions, and driver's reactions, could increase the risk of a crash causing property damage, personal injury or death. Correction: Dealers will install new valve springs.
On certain vehicles, the steering control Electronic Control Unit (ECU) programming for the Variable Gear Ratio Steering (VGRS) system can cause the steering wheel to become off-centered by up to 90 degrees. This may occur after the driver fully turns the steering wheel in one direction and then quickly attempts to turn it back to the center position. Should this occur while driving, the risk of a crash causing property damage, personal injury or death is increased. Correction: Dealers will replace the steering control ECU.
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